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September 25, 2022
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Love is like matter, its either in the air or up in the air, either way its definitely somewhere in the air!

We wanted to send you all some love and not just because its valentines day, but because we are all connected in the cosmos and we felt it was an opportune time to clean the air and share some of our thoughts on love, matter and life with you. Here’s a short poem i created on the matter;

Lets clean the air, What matters to you?

Everything matters, because we are all matter,

and therefore we all matter just the same,

We are energy, and energy matters,

It can neither be created or destroyed,

And  love is like matter,

We are like matter,

And therefore we can only be transferred from one form to another.

How is your valentines day going anyway? We hope you all have a good day whatever your situation may be. Whether you’re happily in love in a relationship or are now single like me. This day can be one of nostalgia rubbing salt in the wound to those who were once in a happy relationship and for whatever reason are now single. Or you may not like to celebrate Valentine’s Day because it is simply just another day to you and I agree, it is a conventional day that has become highly Commercialised. I remember spending valentines with my partner each year and it was very romantic we used to buy each other gifts and have nice meals, but there was this one year where he wanted to watch the football with his friends on Valentine’s Day after all Chelsea was his first love.  Though I was not included and would spend this day alone I was really easygoing about it and he respected me for that of course. I told him I didn’t mind and that it was just another day and how we could have a date night any other day and that is what we did and we gave each other gifts and exchanged loving words. I recall writing my own personalised poem in his card as we both used to enjoy creating poetry and it was lovely, In fact it felt even more special that we got to celebrate valentines on an unconventional day. What are your thoughts on this day and how would you react if your partner chose something else to do on this day?

Regardless of your situation let me remind you that you are worthy of love. If your like me and have a lot of love to give then why deprive yourself from that or from enjoying this day?

By that I don’t mean go on tinder and find a date for the evening just so you could have an instant gratification, I realise that is the age we are living in now and it does worry me. That is not something I advice or have ever done myself. In fact would you believe that I have never used tinder before or gone on a single date since my last relationship ended over 3 years ago! (Only 6 months before the pandemic began.) I couldn’t move on as I was not ready to and no matter how many years had been wasted in limbo time was an empty equation that just couldn’t change how I felt. When you truly love someone how do you just stop loving them? Unless you are a stoic, I couldn’t just fall out of love that easily. I heard all the cliches such as “time heals all” and “this too shall pass” “love takes time to heal” but that’s all they really were to me empty cliches. The best feeling in the world is love but on the flip side the best feeling became the worst one i had ever experienced, sadness and loss. I am not someone who likes to waste time or have my time wasted, as I always believed that life was too precious and short, having lost my grandma to a tragic incident, I experienced loss from a young age and I guess it shaped the way I grew up to view life. 

However regardless of my age and not being any closer to having a family of my own which was always something I wanted. After my breakup, Instead of dating like a lot of people would have done I spent time with myself and tried to heal from the inside out and actually did the work properly. Then suddenly 6 months later another tragedy hit only this was a lot bigger than just my personal feelings and breakup, an invisible virus Covid 19 only 10 microns in size, it had quickly turned into a deadly pandemic affecting the entire world, people everywhere were going through a mass tragedy and heartache losing their loved ones each day. And then Of course the solution was that we had to go into lock-down to help save lives and isolate from others.  This helped slow down the death rates and though everyone had different views about lock-down, I found that it helped me a lot as not only did it protect everyone from spreading the virus, but it also gave me the chance to heal without having to see or talk to people, as masking my feelings at the time was very difficult for me to do at work events. During the pandemic I had spent a lot of time with myself and in nature, with my dog, family, speaking to close friends, writing and journaling, doing affirmations etc as iv’e always been in sync with my feelings, and cared for my well-being. After all the pandemic gave us all a big scare it was the deadliest cataclysmic event i had witnessed and i was trying to protect my life stay alive and survive a heartbreak all at the same time. The world was an uncertain place and we were all healing together, though it didn’t go away and my feelings were the same I just had to learn to live with it accept things as they were, value my life and move on over time as life continued to go on.

I was always a positive ambitious person very content and happy with my lifestyle, and i still am today.  I had built a promotional marketing company in 2016 and although its a small agency we are tenacious, survived the pandemic and are still successful with lots of campaigns to project manage and teams of staff all over the U.K, i valued this and it kept me busy and motivated so all my energy was put into my responsibilities which always gave me a sense of purpose. 

Last year on Valentine’s Day our agency Trend Ascend project managed a live healthy air campaign at waterloo station in london for a whole week and our marketing theme was “love is in the air” and we had a lot of fun with it advertising the Air-Vida wearable air-purifier. I also went “live on air” asking the commuters what was the one thing they couldn’t live without. And I received a diverse response to this question, as you can imagine, you can view the video on our social network sites. We found this approach very effective as it was interactive and fun and something the commuters will remember having participated in.  

However the most obvious answer and the one we all have in common is the air that we breathe, hence the saying and our marketing theme ‘love is in the air’. We have been promoting healthy air campaigns for many years now at shows, before the pandemic, but since Covid it has only become more obviously necessary and a lot more people started to invest in air-purifiers, it was trending. I highly suggest an air purifier for the home and if you are a commuter the air-vida is perfect for you. It will elevate your mood, increase your energy and put a spark in your life, all the while cleaning your air, and keeping you covid virus safe. The air-Vida works by emitting millions of negative ions to push particles away from your face and these ions are proven to cause a biochemical reaction in the blood stream by increasing your serotonin levels. 

Love on Valentine’s Day doesn’t always have to be in the romantic form, so if your not in a relationship or on a romantic date, there is no reason for you to feel left out.

The different types of love are ; Philia – Affectionate friendly love, Erotic- Passionate romantic love, Agapi – selfless universal love of mankind, Storge – parental family love. As you can see there are at least 4 types of Greek words for love and only one of them is romantic. So if you have all the others then your blessed and a good humanitarian so continue to be grateful for those in your life and count yourself very lucky indeed. I hope you have enjoyed reading my article, i welcome your comments below, take care of yourselves. 

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